(for season 2005/06 onwards)
As far as is possible, these should not clash
with Major Badge or National Events accessible to HALO members or in which some
members would be likely to participate.
2. Events to be published, in advance, in HALO
NEWS and on the HALO website.
3. All Halo District Events should be included. Other events should be YHOA District ones but in addition, there should be some Competition Days when there is an alternative event in another region which would enable those living in the more southerly parts of our region to participate in the HL with less travelling. These Competition Days should be known as doubleheaders***.
4. Planner/Controller of HALO events to be
awarded the average of their scores for the event/s where they officiate.
5. Calculations to be based on speed/km (adjusted
for climb) for a particular 'colour' course.
Classes are allocated courses corresponding to their age. Running 'up'
or 'down' a colour increases or
decreases points by 10% maximum. [These facts need to be published]. The base
used is that provided by BOF as guideline for running speed at Regional
6. There will be a minimum points award of 50 to
anyone completing a course but scoring less than that in any HL event
7. Scores and HL table to be updated and
published, when possible, after each event on the HALO website.
8. Awards
to be in the following categories:
Veteran (51+) 1st, 2nd, 3rd
(21 – 50) 1st,2nd,3rd
Junior (under 21) 1st
One individual
may only win one award
For season 2005/06 only :
* 14 competition days will be available
** Sandal Beat, Pateley Bridge, Driffield, Silpho/Raincliffe
and Loxley are included in the
14 Competition days.
*** 2 non-YHOA competition days in addition to