Night Event
Organisers Comments
This event almost ran itself, or at least that’s how it appeared to me! Mike Cope ran the computers and registration and Mike Smith ran the “Soup Kitchen”. Neil , Fiona and Dorothy had sorted the controls and maps and I had the relatively easy tasks of signs, start and finish.
The event was well supported by my former club EBOR and I believe ran without any hitches. My thanks go to all those named and those others, not named who helped things run smoothly.
District Event
Organisers Comments
I had a great team of experienced and enthusiastic helpers and everything appeared to run well on Sunday. The only slight problem involved the results printer getting carried away towards the end of the event (Neil, enough said).
I think we were very lucky with the weather and it was a shame that our event clashed with at least two others within easy travelling distance. I would like to give my thanks to all the helpers and in particular, Neil and Fiona for planning the courses and Dorothy as the Controller.
I hope that the New Year brings happy orienteering to you all and I look forward to competing in the M35 class next year!
Andrew Houlden