The second of The Poacher Series miraculously escaped the torrential downpours experienced in surrounding areas - not a drop until everyone was eating in The Cross Keys at Grasby. A new area to orienteering, the controls in Hendale were generally placed in runnable areas with the leading times bearing a remarkable similarity to those at Mausoleum although both courses were 600m. longer than the previous week. The reduction in length of courses from last year is proving popular, with everyone making the post-race analysis before lighting up time. For possibly the first time in Poacher history there were no retirements nor disqualifications. The short course provided a pleasing first win for Keelby junior Ben Offler ahead of Lincoln's Andy Furnell who looked the likely winner until late on. Further down the field Geoff Smith was delighted with his 31sec. advantage over his deadly rival. The first three on the long course were the same as last week but in a different order with Dean Field turning the tables on Max Guscott by a mere 29seconds. Halo's Mike Smith had his best run in the Poacher with an excellent 4th edging Log's John Bennett by 20seconds - there's no scope for tying up your shoe laces half way round these Poacher events! As nobody can walk away with 2 Poacher trophies, there are likely to be some interesting permutations as the series progresses. Next week is a very different area - some contours! Swallow Vale is new to orienteering and should provide an enjoyable evening.