The new area of Swallow Vale with its contours proved to be the ideal Poacher venue-just big enough for long course runners to avoid having part two maps and plenty of legs where the direct route was the best. Kite number checking was doubly necessary with two 'fairly' near re-entrants (but much more than 50m. apart) and two controls in deep depressions prior to the finish. Max Guscott clinched another fine win on the long course; behind Steve Marin, hanging on in the later stages, claimed an excellent third. Super Vet Brian Slater produced his best (ever?) Poacher performance for some time in fourth, closely followed by Alford's John Fulwood and Ultra Vet Mark Tyszka-a tremendous eighth. On the short Lee Smith won for the second time out of three and looks the favourite for the Short title. New to orienteering the Sowerbys showed real promise with their seventh place. The ladies title could yet prove to be closer than expected where multiple winner Dorothy Smith was edged out by Log's Kaele Pilcher. Brian Butler put in a Dwain Chambers like final surge to make sure the Brammers were just a few seconds down. N.B. Post race analysis- we will not be using the Salutation Inn- wait for announcement of substitute inns.