Despite incessant rain more than 40 competitors sampled Halo's most used area. Thanks are due to Mal Humphrey who stepped in at the last moment to plan the courses. Junior Ben Offler moved into pole position on the short course with a clear win but Lee Smith although not having an error free run still managed second, just ahead of a good run from Log's Andy Furnell. A blistering performance from Finningley's Neil Harvatt gave him maximum points on the long course with a mere 7 second advantage over Hull University's Max Guscott. Behind in an excellent 4th. the Isle of Axholme's Mike Smith moved into the lead in the Super Vets category. Also from the Isle Andy Houlden had his best run yet in 5th, and another coming into form is Hull's Mike Cope who took some noteable scalps with his 8th. Mary Carrick benefited from her early start to beat a third of the field. Competitors are reminded, particularly long course entrants, to put their name on control cards and hand them in at the finish; 2 long course control cards have not yet been checked and so these results remain provisional. Next week at Swallow Wold Wood parking needs to be extra careful and well off the busy road. The area is partly new to orienteering and is very runnable being part of the Pillar Wood complex.