The Poacher Series has produced its third new area this year with the very runnable Swallow Wold Wood. Mike and Dorothy Smith must be congratulated on providing excellent courses with as little track running as possible; needless to say kite code number vigilance was essential particularly with the first and last controls on each course. Two runners on the long, both otherwise having their best Poacher runs to date, hashed the last control punching the short control by mistake. Whereas the long course competition looks to be a one horse race with Max Guscott gaining another 'maximus', the short course is a ding dong battle between Lee Smith and Ben Offler with Lee getting the upperhand this week. William Sowerby had a great run in third and Smith senior (Geoff) recorded his best ever Poacher performance in fourth after his previous week's disaster. On the long several runners took a liking to Swallow Wold notably Lincoln's John Bennett moving into top form for the Scottish Six Day, Mark Tyszka having an error free run just ahead of a tightly packed group and Tealby's Pete Harris well satisfied with his position. The Super Vets category looks to be an increasingly open scrap with several in with a shout. 2 control cards were not handed in- both leading competitors on the long and short; so these results remain provisional. Initial planning for 2004 is underway; some offers to plan an event are already in. Anybody who feels that they can put on an event please contact me (PK) We need 11 planners for 2004. Next week is at Middle Rasen, parking is near the level crossing- not near the caravan park as at the colour coded event.