Normanby Park continues to provide a navigational challenge for the Wednesday nighters as Andy Houlden planned two excellent courses on the beefed-up 1:5000 map. Another 40+ turnout saw some competitors save their best performances of the series for this sometimes confusing area. Mal Humphrey surprised some with his satisfying sub 50 clocking and East Lincolnshire's John Fulwood grabbed a great 4th place 4 seconds ahead of Lincoln's John Bennett. The Super Vet's Trophy is crystallising into a battle between Mike Smith and Brian Slater with 3 events to go. On the short, Ben Offler needs just one more win to clinch the league title , but the performance of the night came from the Poacher's most mature entrant Harry Milton - an age - defying 8th place! Next week is the ever popular (though not with M.S.) Willingham Woods and afterwards at Ye Olde Barn in Tealby - an excellent hostelry - places to eat already booked !