Debutant Poacher planner Mike Cope drew the short straw as Broughton experienced the worst Wednesday night weather since the series commenced in 1997. Not that this deterred forty two hardy competitors. Finningley's Neil Harvatt, last years Master Champion, scored maximum points on the long course with a great run; also prominent was 2003 short course champion junior Ben Offler and Super-Vet Brian Slater who showed that he will not be giving up his title without a fight. Next weeks planner at Swallow Vale, Dave Offler, warmed up for a long course transfer with maximum points on the short ahead of LOG's Andy Furnell with the two Robinsons close up. NB no plaudits for an M60, a W21, and a W55 on the short and one M45 on the long who failed to write their name on their control cards creating problems for the organiser.