Planner Harry Milton gave competitors plenty to think about on the always tricky terrain of Normanby Park. Luxuriant vegetation, innumerable paths and mown areas added to the complexity. With many of the six trophy categories still undecided, competition was cut throat- just one second separated long course winner Paul Beresford from Normanby Park specialist Neil Harvatt. Both Andy Houlden and Pete Harris were well pleased with their positions. After a succession of disasters John Butler scored maximum points on the short and is still a threat to long time league leader Lincoln's Andy Furnell. Another good run from Eleanor Humphrey just about sews up the Junior section; in third a great run from Dorothy Smith puts her once again in pole position for the Ladies title. Thanks to those who assisted at the finish and the control collectors. It all helps with the running of the series. Next week we have our first event on open land with contours thrown in. There will be a small charge for car parking (toilets available) and 2 starts with a common finish..