A big turnout fully rewarded planner John Fulwood's efforts in producing 2 good courses- no mean feat with all the fenced off areas of newly planted trees. Several trophy categories look as though they are going down to the wire particularly on the short course with Lee Smith turning the tables on last week's winner John Butler. Eleanor Humphrey closed the gap on Junior leader Zac Field with 48 points just edging Caistor's Michael Robinson. Most of the entry appeared to go under the name of Robinson as Crowle's Alan excelled in 6th and Grasby's Gary broke into the top ten. Geoff Holmes an early starter from Mid Lincolnshire was among the front runners. The Ladies title is too close to call with at least 3 in contention. A 20 second gap was all that separated winner and 2004 Poacher Champion Dean Field from Harworth's Paul Beresford on the long. Andy Houlden, possessor of the neatest control card, had another excellent run just ahead of Paddy Neligan who showed the benefit of his recent warm weather training in Portugal with a stunning 5th place. Also right up there was Tealby's Pete Harris ( subject to control card check ) with a season's best 7th. Open rolling Wolds terrain awaits next week at Normanby le Wold.