The 2006 Series began with a high attendance at a new venue for Poacher, the West Wood at Broughton, over the road from our previous forays. Neil had a blistering run on the Long,to win by a minute from young Logger Liam Harrington, who beat reigning Poacher Champion Dean by a further 8 seconds. Paul Beresford was fourth, to make an unusual first four all from different clubs! Mike had set courses with some challenging legs, which caught out quite a few on the short course and one on the long course, where a number of controls wre placed among rhododendron bushes. Short had the usual suspects in the mix, with John Butler starting last and finishing first, ahead of Zac And Jake. A noteable run from Mathew secured fifth place and some potential being realised. Good to see 4 Juniors in the top six. You may not have heard, but the organisers had to wait around for an hour for the final two groups of competitors to finish. Can we please ask that you arrive to begin as early as possible, especially if you expect to take some time. Be prepared to abandon your course and return to the finish for 8.30 at the latest. Next week we return to the ever popular Mausoleum Woods- please note that the New Inn requires meal orders by 8.45 pm.