The idyllic surroundings of an alpine nursery complete with a koi carp lake and waterfall provided a new start point in Nettleton Woods.After recent fast running in the well-managed woods of the Earl of Yarborough competitors were brought back to earth with a challenging Forestry Commision area lengthening times particularly on the long course. Expertly planned by Brian Slater competitors even had some temporary stream bridges in place. Approaching midway in the Poacher Series the front runners are becoming clearer. Neil Harvatt, last year's Master's Champion, is in pole position for the Lincolnshire Poacher Trophy with Dean Field leading in the Master's section.The much travelled Paddy Nelligan is the bookie's favourite for the Super Vet's category. With competitors only qualifying for one trophy it looks like Juniors Zac Field and Mathew Walton- Lamming will be contesting the Short Course Trophy and Junior Titles awith Rosie Field the leading lady. Next week Poacher is at the ever popular Primrose Warren.