The sequence of sunny Wednesday evenings was broken by a very wet Primrose Warren. Although a frequently used and relatively small area planner Neil Harvatt produced two excellent courses. A combination of recent high temperatures and heavy rainfall had created lush vegetation, resulting in quite a few elephant tracks produced by the early starters. Working on the basis that few would turn up in the pouring rain and big points would be on offer produced an almost record entry on the long course! Lincoln speedster Liam Harrington ran well to score maximum points; behind, notable performances came from Log's John Bennett in fourth and junior Ben Offler in sixth. Junior Eleanor Humphrey can be very pleased with her best run yet on the long. Zac Field again scored a maximum on the short but was nearly upstaged by Hull's Peter Robinson just 40 seconds adrift in second. Commiserations to Geoff Smith and Harry Milton whose maps disintegrated in the monsoon conditions! The planners of the events have been largely the same people every year. If you feel you can offer to do one event in 2007 please speak to co-ordinator Peter Kullich.