The final event of the 2006 series took place at the runnable Pillar Wood. Planner Ben Offler surprised entrants with course lengths longer than usual but this was partially offset by the fast terrain both in the woods and on the rides. A number of controls were strategically placed resulting in some disqualifications, though 4 competitors on the long course were re-instated after a stewards' inquiry at the Queen's Head. Mel Clark from East Barkwith registered his first win on the short ahead of the Field brothers with Grasby's Harriet Gillman an excellent fourth.Liam Harrington used his running speed to good effect to clinch victory on the long course from DVO's Paul Beresford with another young gun- Lee Smith third. Halo Newsletter Editor designate John Fulwood saved his best performance in the series until the last event to claim some notable scalps. 2006 Trophy winners were:- LONG COURSE CHAMPION NEIL HARVATT MASTERS CHAMPION DEAN FIELD SUPERVETS CHAMPION PADDY NELIGAN SHORT COURSE CHAMPION ZAC FIELD JUNIOR CHAMPION BEN BERESFORD LADIES CHAMPION ROSIE FIELD Thanks to all the Wednesday planners and all the orienteers who have supported the 2006 Series. Poacher 2007 kicks off on Wednesday April 11th at Cottager's Dale.