Poacher 2007 started in glorious Spring sunshine, unlike 2 years ago here when cars had to be towed out of the wood. A bone dry forest and shortened courses to cater for lack of daylight resulted in some very quick times. Zac Field opened with maximum points in defence of his 2006 Short Course title just edging Super Vet Mike Smith. Not so lucky was Long Course Champion Neil Harvatt who had to be content with fourth place behind DVO's Paul Beresford, LOG's Liam Harrington and EBOR's Dean Field who powered round in sub 6 minute/km.pace. Next week Mausoleum Woods uses SI electronic punching. Parking is tight in the event car park but there is ample space 100 yards away at the New Inn- courtesy of the landlord; please park on the eastern side of the car park, near to the children's play area.