Poacher 6 visited Otby the most physical area of the series. Uneven ground, plenty of contours and incessant heavy rainfall made the going tough. Planner John Fulwood had a difficult job, not only obtaining permission from a multiplicity of owners, but giving route choice through the numerous crossing points. 4 to 5 and 9 to 10 on the Long were excellent legs made for careful decision making. Dean Field returned to winning ways ahead of Neil Harvatt with Lincoln's Paul Murgatroyd using his running speed to good effect for a very useful fourth. The only lady on the Long course, Mary Carrick, accounted for some of her male adversaries to finish just behind Halo Webmaster Pete Shew. Reigning Supervet Champion Paddy Neligan is under threat from Ebor's Steve Willis, though with 5 more events to go the position could change. The Short course entry was decimated by the inclement weather where the Field brothers clinched a 1-2 finish. Isoldt Harris added to the evening's soil erosion as she accumulated the handicap of a rather large amount of Lincolnshire clay Thanks go to planner John Fulwood, wife Margaret at the start, control collectors Phil Longstaff and John Bennett ( again! ) and Dorothy Smith who sacrificed her run to take care of computer registration and download. Primrose Warren next week- we hope for a favourable weather forecast for one of our most popular venues.