Swallow Wold Wood, the eastern extremity of the extensive Pillar Wood, provided a superb runnable area enjoyed by a bumper entry. Planner Ben Offler utilised the very best parts mixing ( particularly on the long course ) long legs with a batch of closely located controls; route choice was not an issue but use of the compass was essential. Fast times resulted. Scarborough's Anthony Horn recorded his first Poacher win with maximum points on the Short course clear of Junior Jake Field. Almost two thirds of the Short course entry was female-the highest proportion in the 10 year history of the Poacher. Super fit Dean Field blasted round the Long course at near 5 min/km speed ahead of the pacey Paul Murgatroyd who spearheaded the large contingent of Lincoln runners. The Long course appears to have reached a new level of competitiveness. Advance notice of the Annual Poacher get together after the last event of the series at Pillar. This will take place at the Queen's Head as usual. Everyone is welcome from all the different clubs plus individuals to witness the presentation of awards and enjoy a meal and/or drink. Always a popular gathering.