The worst weather to hit the Poacher for many years failed to deter a large entry of hardy orienteers who were rewarded with excellent courses put together by Planner Mark Tyszka. Many hours had been put in by Mark, resurveying the area, establishing new control sites, including some substantial timber structures, and ultimately producing routes that took people through remarkably runnable woodland for the time of year. Ably assisted by wife Dinah, Mark, like the planners on other Wednesdays, deserves our thanks. For those regular participants who do not plan an event the kite retrieval rota is one way in which they can help with the smooth running of the series. Next Wednesday Poacher 2007 finishes at the popular Pillar Wood, starting at the north end of the largest area of forest owned by the Earl of Yarborough. The event will be followed by the Annual Poacher Presentation Evening at the Queen's Head, N. Kelsey Moor. Everyone is welcome. Please start your run as early as possible so that the presentation can commence reasonably promptly with the control collectors in attendance.