Poacher 2008 opened at Hendale a wood used only once before in 2004. Unfortunately the weather was somewhat uninviting making access difficult although the wood itself proved to be quite runnable helped by the recent cool Spring weather. Electronic punching enabled the planner to devise superior courses compared to 2004 in this relatively small area of the Yarborough Estate. The main aim was to keep runners in the wood off the main central ride so the straight line route was nearly always the quickest. Several runners got near to sub 6 min/km. pace on the Long course - a close affair between Log, Halo and Ebor with the younger Lincoln runner Liam Harrington prevailing to take the maximum 50 points. The Beverley duo of Zac and Jake Field dominated the Short course with the former benefiting from his experience last year on the Long course to dip under 20 minutes. We try to operate the Poacher Trophy Series with the minimum labour input so competitors could help by placing their correct entry fee in the box without prompting then registering at the computer and at the end placing their mapcase in the designated box. This again saves money and enables us to keep the entry fee at a reasonable level. Next week Poacher returns to Elsham for the first time this century. The main stumbling block has been the high access charge in relation to our entry fee. Happily after protracted discussions a compromise has been agreed and we are back again. Note that the way in is from the south (not the Country Park) and parking should be fine. Let's hope Spring arrives!