A perfect early Summer's evening attracted 60+ entries - a new record for the Poacher Series now in its eleventh season. Planner Mark Tyszka did an excellent job at Nettleton Woods, thoroughly updating the map, creating searching courses each produced at an appropriate scale, and finding new control sites to give a professional feel to the evening. Local events seem to offer the majority of the qualities of much higher profile fixtures at a fraction of the cost. The Poacher Series relies heavily each year on a relatively small number of planners, many of whom are well into the Veteran stage. We would like to see new people involved in planning an event. If you feel you can offer your services to plan an event in 2009 please get in touch with Pete Kullich, the Poacher Organiser, so that we can give people a breather, some of whom have planned an event every year since 1997. On the night the holders of the 'Yellow Jersey' on both Long and Short, Liam Harrington and Zac Field cemented their respective leads and will be difficult to displace as we move into the middle races of the series. Pleased with their positions on the night were Tealby's Pete Harris who broke into the Long top ten with his best run so far and Grimsby's Tracey Blackburn who was the leading Lady on the Short course. Next week Poacher returns to Swallow Vale a small glacial valley with some adjacent open areas last used in 2006.