Welcome to the flat county of Lincolnshire! Normanby le Wold is a one off in the Poacher series consisting of entirely rough grassland with plenty of climb. Planner Pete Harris produced two good challenging courses through tough terrain. After the recent dry weather the underfoot rutted ground was a real test for dodgy joints; the vegetation was prolific reaching elephant grass proportions in places - surprising considering the number of cattle about. Early starters had to contend with a downpour that had been forecast all day and tracks began to appear in the soaked vegetation though the pit no.5 on the Long course still caused problems. Juniors dominated the Short course occupying 5 out of the 9 top places with Grasby's Jay Robinson having his best run of the series and Esther Robinson (no relation) doing remarkably well after moving up from the Newcomers course. A reminder that after the 2008 Series comes to end at the very runnable Pillar Wood everyone is welcome at the annual get together held at the Queen's Head, N.Kelsey Moor. This takes place immediately after the Pillar event. Have a drink, a meal if you wish, see the trophies given out and commiserate with others on all the mistakes you have made in the 2008 Series!