Lincolnshire is flat! Well a visit to Normanbly-le-Wold would surely change that view. The highest point in the county and the highest between the Humber and the Thames - Normanby provides the most physical challenge of the Poacher Series. As well as the climb, competitors had to contend with uneven ground underfoot, luxuriant vegetation and occasional interest from the local bovine population. Planner Andrew Houlden made maximum use of the area giving runners on the Long Course over 200 metres of climb, he even managed to arrange for a notorious area of nettles to be mown prior to the event. Junior Zac Field was in fine form to clearly win the Long Course and younger brother Jake made it a one-two for the family as he came home first on the Short Course. With one event to go all but two of the trophies are cut and dry. They will be decided next week at Pillar Wood prior to the annual presentation evening at the New Inn, Great Limber. Everyone is invited, have a drink or meal and compare your mistakes in the series. There will also be a Poacher Quiz compiled by Tealby's Pete Harris. Try to get started at Pillar early so we can collect in controls and get down to Great Limber as soon as possible.