Spring Pub League 4 - Cottingham

Wednesday 13th March 2019

Description     45 minutes Standard Score Event with a built in 2km Line Event around the village centre. There will be one control (100)that you need to visit to start the line event and a rectangle showing the designated line event area marked on the map. Overleaf will be an expanded map of this area showing you the location of the line event controls. Apart from control 100 there will be no other score event controls in the line event area. You can leave the line event at any time, but once left you cannot rejoin. You may pass through the line event area whilst on the score event but you may not collect any of the line event controls as you do. Under 16's to be accompanied Hi Vis Required Fair Maid
LocationFair Maid Cottingham
PlannerPaul Simmons
ControllerPeter Harris

HALO events

No fixtures at this time

O`Briens fixture map
