LUL 2 - Cleethorpes Haverstoe Park

Wednesday 3rd July 2019

Description     3 Courses 2k/4k/6k approx. Please email me if it is your intention to compete. Map numbers critical. Reserve a map! Pay on the day. Adults £4; Junior pairs/threes £2; family groups £4: The Long course 5.2 km (6.5 to 7 optimum) visits Cleethorpes Boating Lake, the Medium is Park and urban, the Short does not leave the park so it is safe for juniors. A toilet is available - please ask for the key at registration. Afterwards I thought we might meet at the 'Wellow' which is near to the Boating Lake. Turn right out of the car park and then 4th left which leads to the Pub, turn right into the large car park. They do Hungry Horse Meals.
LocationCleethorpes Haverstoe Park
OrganiserBrian Slater
PlannerBrian Slater
ControllerWayne Byrne

HALO events

No fixtures at this time

O`Briens fixture map
