Humber Bridge Winter Event (North) (D)

Saturday 17th December 2011

Description     White to Orange Courses plus a Technical course Fees £2 (Adults), £1 (Juniors), £5 (Families). Pay one fee, attempt as many courses as you wish. Coaching available. Starts 1pm to 3pm, courses will close at 3:30pm to allow time to collect controls. It will be signposted from the Foreshore entrance near Old Mill Car Park. Drive along Hessle foreshore underneath the bridge, just after the Lifeboat station turn right into car-park (before you get to the Country Park Inn). Facilities - toilets at the Old Mill. Toilets and a cafe at the main HBCP carpark. If you inadvertently end up at the main car park, walk down the Southern set of steps and follow signs.
LocationHumber Bridge Country Park (Foreshore Car-Par
Hull Daily Mail/doc?id=505
OrganiserNeil Harvatt
PlannerNeil Harvatt
ControllerNeil Harvatt

HALO events

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O`Briens fixture map
