LUL 2 Bottesford

Thursday 19th June 2014

Description     Bottesford - newly mapped (Nov. 2013) by Valter of Slovakia. Assembly is at The Dolphin Pub SW of the traffic lights on the A159. Owing to limited parking and a request from the manager, participants should park on the West side of the A159 just South of the pub, thanks. If you choose to eat at the pub after your run then the pub car park is allowed. The start is East of assembly across the A159, which is a very busy road. There are a few parkland areas unavoidable on the medium and long courses, but urban attire is still suitable and recommended. Newly surfaced footpaths have been installed beside the beck to the South of the mapped area. Course lengths and climb:- Short - (no busy roads) 1.4km, 10m; Medium - 3.4km, 30m; Long - 5.8km, 55m.
OrganiserBrian Slater
PlannerBrian Slater

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