Spring Pub League 2 - North Bransholme

Tuesday 28th February 2017

Description     45 minute score event, 20 controls (odds and evens format) to find around the streets, pathways and (many) open spaces of North Bransholme. Starts from 6pm to 7pm. Courses close at 7:45pm. Registration and toilets at the Pennine Rambler Community Centre (HU7 5EF ). Car park next to building, if full overflow to shop car park 20 metres to east. No beer here (are you sure this is a pub league?, Ed.) Post match analysis and control collection base at The Waggoner's, Wawne. A couple of miles north of event.
LocationPennine Way, HU7 5EF
new area revealedclick here for map extract
OrganiserNeil Harvatt

HALO events

No fixtures at this time

O`Briens fixture map
