Night Park Series 4 - Humber Bridge Country P

Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Description     4 Course Sprints (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5km). Assembly will be in the first meadow as you enter from the Hessle Foreshore entrance. It is not possible to park in the Old Mill car park as those gates are locked at dusk, but there is a reasonable amount of parking space on the track leading to the tunnels. If this is full, either use the foreshore parking or the Country Park Inn (if you are visiting it later). There will be a pop-up tent shelter for bags, coats, etc. Start and finish will be in the same meadow. There will not be the normal results display, but depending on how well the laptop battery lasts, it should be possible to view your mins per km status. We will be using the training printer, so if laptop fails, then all results are stored for interpretation later. Post race analysis (and maybe results) will be in the Country Park Inn.
LocationForeshore entrance
OrganiserNeil Harvatt
PlannerNeil Harvatt

HALO events

No fixtures at this time

O`Briens fixture map
