Pillar Wods a few years ago was our Championship area and has hosted major Events such as the Harvester Trophy, Compass Sport Cup Final and YHOA Champs. Now we struggle to find suitable parts to put on a Local Event, so thanks to Paul for finding the 'runnable' areas. The amount of track and ride running meant the course lengths needed to be relatively high but necessary to ensure at least 30 mins competition for all Medium and Long runners.
On the Short Isla on a pre Medium practice run registered the fastest time, as new to the sport, a non competitive 'warm up' is proving to be the way forward. Harry was able to take advantage of Imogen's rest.
On the Medium it was another battle of the Manchester's with Jonathon this time taking the honours. Excellent performances from Rosie and the various Smiths.
On the Long Liam has found another NOC nemesis this season with Ben once again taking the honours.
No Jokers played as yet.
Thanks to Megan for volunteering to plan the Picnic in the Park - the final event at Normanby.
Many thanks to kite collectors Harriet (again), Helena, Jackie and Mary.
Next week we return to Mausoleum which is looking in tip top condition. Very limited parking in Ramblers Car Park, which may be limited to hard standing part only due to waterlogged grassy part. So officials only preferred and potential kite collectors. Otherwise parking in Limber village. Take care crossing main road.
Lastly next Thursday is LCS date - only a few have expressed an interest, so if you can make it, it will be a fun event and it would be good to retain the trophy.