Not such a good turn-out for this event. Perhaps the earlier rain was the cause, however, eventually the sun shone down on us to produce a lovely evening.

Imogen was 1st by a mile on the short course, and Megan is back to form on the Medium. You will see that husband, Oli', was not far behind. Check the Splits Browser to see how their runs differed.

Mr Murgatroyd took advantage of the small entry and bagged himself a '50 pointer'. Neil was on form to take second place from Dean who appears to be stepping up his performances recently - stormed past me.

Notable performances came from Yasmin and Helena who as usual battled it out as they do for most of the series.

Isoldt produced excellent courses which kept us all concentrating so as not to lose contact with the map. Also, using a compass in the hand was worth a lot more than getting lost twice in the bushes!

The collectors, who can now rest for several weeks were:- Elena, Mary and Peter Vickers, Neil, Peter H. and Isoldt. A very big thank you to you, from all of us. Also thanks to the timing team and Geoff Holmes who arrives early every week to help set up the equipment and tent.

Please place you route on RG so that we can virtually re-race against each other.