The new format seems to have worked well - this 'experiment' proved to be popular amongst competitors and officials. Oli was certainly pleased with the mispunches - the more the merrier. Competitors seemed to reduce their mistakes on their second and third runs as the importance of reading the control descriptions became more apparent. Pleased nobody tried to deliberately mispunch on the longer legs and receive a penalty rather than exceed the 30 seconds on such legs - that certainly would not have been in the spirit of such an event. Some mentioned a possible bonus for clear rounds - something to consider.
Besides thanking Oli for being the 'guinea pig' a big thank you to Pete S for his programming skills in developing the software to devise a way of sorting all the results so efficiently. Similarly thanks to Isoldt who had to cope with the registration and download singlehandedly and also having to cope with the new format.
Lastly thanks to Yasmin, Rosie, Joe and Dean for the kite collecting.
Apologies for not noting the course winners earlier - well done Harry, Megan and Liam.
Next week we return to Normanby Le Wold where the usual S,M & L format will be used - hopefully we will not be running in the snow blizzards that we encountered last time that we ventured on to the Peak District of Lincolnshire.
Parking is in the same field - turn left just before the church. Shorts not recommended.