The conditions were ideal in terms of weather but not ideal in terms of underfoot terrain. The grass was longer than we normally experience at this infamous Poacher venue. Therefore times were slightly above par and those running later benefited by the 'tracks' made by others.
A late injury withdrawal by Liam has handed the Long title to the night's victor Paul, as Liam is on tour in Italy for the remaining campaign (not sure whether his travel insurance will cover Poacheritis if he cares to cancel his travel plans).Good runs from Chris, Philip, Dean and Lawrence.
The Medium title is going to be a race off between Jonathon and Oli, the former running for the first time in the Wolds winning by a comfortable margin, despite a wobble on the last leg. Good runs from Rosie, Jackie, Mike, Geoff and the 2 John's.
The Short title is also going to the wire with Imogen and winner Harry both neck and neck.
Next week we return to the 3 Course Sprint Format at Baysgarth Park in Barton on Humber, where anything could happen as Helena is devising some fiendish courses including a maze. Parking is not at the Leisure Centre but in NE part of the Park at the Museum or adjacent streets.
Thanks to kite collectors David, Mike and Elena.
Also many thanks to Pete, who sorted some results in super quick time from those who broke dibbers or who's start time did not register.