Well that was a wet run. Most ran in a torrential rain shower which lasted at least 40 minutes. Not merely a shower but a deluge. How does one think in such circumstances, navigating urban rivers and hidden potholes.

The top 3 runners were separated by only 8 minutes on a course that was intelligently planned to cause mind boggling decision making.

Super-vets Brian Ward and up and coming M60 Pete Harris, both of whom scored maximum points, were pipped by our RAFO star DJ who had the luxury of drizzle, on his run. Fastest ultra vet was Gerry Symes from out West - it was sunny in Yorkshire.

First lady in was Jackie who has made a convincing come-back after a lengthy flu bout the other week.

Local runners Claudia and daughter completed their course without a torch. Not bad!!!!

An unfortunate 'casualty' of the rain was Brian Hostad who inadvertently registered at 146 before collecting his next 2 120s. He did actually return to 146 and therefore completed 22 controls. Having gone back to the culprit control shouldn't he be exonerated? Consult 'Mr Controller' and the results designer. Brian would move up one place only with an error correction. You can see the sequence taken on the new format kindly and cleverly provided by our 'Coding GURU' Pete.

Well done all who ventured out and determinedly completed 'their' course. There were no early returners.

Thank you to Chris for a very challenging course and the collectors Alex, Pete & Isoldt & David who were invincible.

Brian S.

That was definitely the wettest urban ever!