Notable performances last night came from David who came home in the nick of time to score 180. The next 3 in with 160 points were Pete, Dean & Marcus separated only by minutes and seconds.

Our 2 youngsters, James and Yasmin were next, equalling Rosanne's 130 points.

There was a new winner of the handicap this week. Pete Harris, our 'slim chair', rising to fame following intensive training with the Caistor Walking Footballers. Would he have knocked the 'Old Chair', Neil off the podium had he competed - Discuss!

We had run out of kites so that there wasn't one left to adorn the finish. This mere fact could have been the reason for John's missing the time limit by 15 seconds, causing a 10 point penalty; otherwise he may well have been 4th in the handicap results, which may be owing to his new fitness drive..

Mike, true to form, visited all controls but suffered a 100 points penalty. He says if some-one can be kind enough to placed 20 controls out there then I aught to go to all to respect their efforts. You do get extra experience and fitness by running and navigating further - Discuss again!

Thank you Paul for coming in at the last minute to plan such a challenging course. There was much discussion post-race which indicates that a good night's racing was had.

Control collector volunteers were Mary V, Alex and Kate, Chris, Mike plus Pete and David, I think! Thank you.
Plus apologies from the late starters for starting late.

Another show of appreciation must go to Pete Shew, (who is as I speak having a sleep in Aussie Land), for the much improved system of results production for SCORE events. All aspects work superbly, not least the new splits print-out.


Next week enjoy the rural charm of Tealby starting from Lincolnshire's oldest thatched pub the Kings Head. Starts should be ok from 5ish, if pub (use bar on the left) not inhabited with any HALOites pop in to 17 Front Street (200m North).
Note some muddy footpaths to negotiate approx. 25%.