The handicapping system placed some of our older participants ahead with Brian, Ken and Jackie taking the podium in 1st, 2nd & 3rd place. Well done all three. Jackie left early so didn't realize that her, what she thought was a dreadful performance, turned out to be 'not to bad'.

Looking at the actual results shows our youngsters Mike and James coming to form early in the series. John planned a grueling set of controls to make the most of the area in which he lives, taking advantage of the extended area recently mapped by Neil. John's course measured 6.7km as the crow flies and Mike in his usual altruistic manner decided to go for 'the lot' - philosophizing, that if someone can be bothered to put out 21 controls for my enjoyment why not 'go for it'. He didn't quite get back in time losing 30 points but still managed 1st position with 180 points. James followed closely with 170, having a great run, partially in the dark.

The course meant that massive detours were required to get all controls. A big thank you to John for his challenging and enjoyable course setting. Route Gadget shows John's suggested best route.

Look at some of the accurate timings with many of you coming in within 43 and 44 minutes. Paul was nearest to misery with 13 seconds to go!.

We were packed up early thanks to kite collector Kate & Ken; John & Mary and Mike.

Next week 'BROUGHTON' - will you manage to get all the controls within the time limit, where the optimum distance is a little shorter than this week. Whoops - sorry Oli, have I given away a secret? Watch out for massive detours!