After publishing the full list of Poacher Long Course winners on the website it was inevitable that Liam would win again in convincing style by 5 minutes and 1 second. Of his 59 victories was this the largest winning margin?? Don't go trawling through the records again Pete!! At least next year he has his wedding to think about and that may slow him down. Craig fresh from his 16k (plus 450m climb)running the M21E at BOC at the weekend took a good second from David fresh from his Estonian jaunt.
On the Medium, Paul fresh from planning last week was able to fend off a fiveway female challenge headed by Flora and Rosie.
Short victor was Emily who stomped round the course in testing conditions.
That brings us on unsurprisingly to the weather which was far from ideal for competitors, starters, kite collectors, tent erectors and most importantly to the control putter outer - so thanks to Isoldt for perservering in the torrential downpours and producing excellent courses utilising the pockets of runnable woodland to good effect. That 1:10000 map looks even worse after collecting controls from the furthermost point than it does when running up those rides or along those slopes!
Many thanks to David and Flora, Mike and Karen for Kite Collecting as well Jackie and Rosie for retrieving the Start. Also thanks to all competitors for running on such an atrocious evening.
Next week we are at Willingham Woods, unfortunately Brian will be on an Italian Job, so as much help as possible will be required and appreciated.