Geoff last planned last century when dibbers and boxes were not invented and when cards and needle punches were the way we recorded that we had visited a control. There was a common denominator, in that control numbers need to be checked when punching or dibbing, a few unfortunately failed to do this.
The area has changed since last year with extensive thinning, however this did not significantly affect runnability due to the brashings left behind. Geoff produced some noteworthy courses incorporating route choice, contour reading, control picking and precision orienteering in this popular area and was generally sympathetic in the amount of climb.
On the Short Mary V once again took the honours.
On the Medium the W14's once again showing their orienteering prowess with Hannah beating Elspeth on this occasion and also beating 2 longies in the process, David O and Lawrence. Other good runs from Jackie, Stephen and Corrinne and good to see Poacher stalwart Geoff S on a seasonal return.
On the Long Liam now looks certain to take the title, with Paul edging out Craig for second place. Other good runs from Kate and the 2 Pete's (fresh from their successful training in the hills of Porto)all of which are potential trophy winners.
Thanks to kite collectors Elena (again), Elspeth (again)and David (again).
Next week we return to Normanby South, which has also changed significantly with the Deer Enclosure being extended and the Sports Field having a new access road. You will be pleased to know the intricate part remains untouched. So it looks likely that there will be 3 courses all approximately 1.8kms with Short runners running 1 course, Medium runners running Course 1 and 2 and Long runners running Courses 1 and 2 plus a 3rd course. Cumulative times to count - so important to check your numbers!