Thanks to Megan and Oli for the planning. Very favourable comments on the courses and the format. The format was not going to be used but the reduction in area meant that only the more technical parts could practically be used. With Course 1 being less technical it gave all the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the terrain before tackling the 2 more technical courses. Apologies for those who had to wait for their recycled maps as more than foreseen took the option of doing Course 1 first.
The course winners were a repeat of last week, so congratulations Mary, Hannah and Liam. The latter is the first Poacher winner of 2019 and has an unassailable lead, now that 8 events have flown by.
Other trophies are wide open particularly on the Medium Course.
Next week we are at Hemswell Cliff where a similar format will be used. Parking will be on the Housing Estate and not at the Antiques Centre. See website for precise location.
Many thanks to Pete S for working overtime to produce the results over night and to kite collectors Mary, Harriet, Mike, David and Flora.