Thanks to Chris for his planning and especially for teaching the local kids to put their fingers in the hole in the finish box when they saw a competitor in a purple and white shirt approaching.
Liam and Mary were the Long and Short winners and Harry took the honours on the Medium with super quick times.
The Hemswell area is good for Sprints with it’s virtual traffic free roads, apart from the local kids doing wheelies, leaving their bikes on the roads or riding in front of vehicles leaving the site - we were all young once
The League tables for Short and Long are taking shape with all to run for.
Next week is the LCS at Central Park with parking off Kingsway, look out for the HALO banner. Note: Medium and Long runners have to do both courses to qualify for Poacher points, Short just the Prologue.
Thanks to kite collectors: Dominic, Mike and Isoldt.
Last year’s trophies 🏆 to be returned please.
Message from Dorothy : anyone not collecting their 🧚‍♀️ bag that they paid for, they can do so next week.