It appears that I have been volunteered to be the guest reporter for this Event at Nettleton.

Many thanks to Sam and Dave Offler for putting on some good courses in wonderful weather. Starting from the South end as opposed to the North end of last year does give a different perspective. Personally I was pleased to see Sam used my distinctive tree for Control 10 on the long course, although the debate continues to rage as whether it is a tree or a bush. Likewise Control 7 on the long course is also considered by some to be a bush despite the fact that is a 40ft high holly tree!

On to the results: The top 5 on the Long Courses were streets ahead of the rest of the field. The LOG lads Liam and Paul setting the pace closely followed by a pair of Fields with Neill hanging on in there despite conceding many years. It would be interesting to see where Dean lost the two seconds to Paul.

On the Short Course Lewis Tuck and Jay Robinson put in fine performances as also did Digby finishing in 54 mins ahead of William Sowerby . Again very good performances considering they were running short last year and at Poacher 1.
On the Short course Jake Field edged in to first position ahead of David Jolly. Both would have been in the top six of the Long Course based on mins / km had they chosen to run it.

New(ish) members David Annadale and Chris Simmonds both showed a marked improvement on Poacher 1 by finishing in the top 10.
A real battle of the ladies is developing on the Short course with Fran Humphrey, 2 points ahead of Tracey Blackburn and Heather Tuck in the League table. Early days yet as Roseanne Field has yet to show her true form.

Well done also to Marsaili on the Yellow course maintaining a consistency that is sometimes elusive in an under 10 year old.

Next week we are at Elsham. Remember the approach is from the A18, South of the A180. Kite retrieval Ken Hutson, Pat O’Grady & co.

John Fulwood