It was true. Cleethorpes was sunny for those who ventured to this new area of Cleethorpes - Haverstoe Park, The Boating Lake and many roads and houses in between on 1:5000 A3 map.

Well done Craig on the Long who pushed PM into 2nd position. The second leg on the long was 1020m to the bridge (beneath), and the first time Craig had seen that 'beneath' IOF pictorial description symbol - of course he found himself above the checkpoint - WHOOPS!. We wondered if the SIACs might record from above? Pete Shew tried it on his second visit over the bridge and it did not register - the planks were thick.

I spoke to David Jolly at a later date and in fact it was possible to register at the bridge from above if you wore your SIAC on a toe! e checked this out on leg 6 to 7.

Participants enjoyed finding checkpoints in tricky thickets around the lake and in the park - lucky people!

Newcomer Ian took 1st place on the Medium just minutes in front of Elspeth.

No one came along to do the SHORT so I invited all to do the SHORT as a SPRINT! Craig 6.49; Phil 7.06; David 7.09; Andrew 7.34; Mike 7.48; Ian 8.39: Again Well Done Craig. This made good use of 6 of the 10 maps printed on A3 at 1:2500.

Thanks to the collectors Paul S., Craig, Mike, Harriet and team 'Jolly'.

Don't miss 'Freshney and Willows' urban on 17th July.

Brian (now for a rest)