It's a very easy job to control a HALO event when Ken is organiser - you just know it will happen!

On the planning side we were very unlucky to time the event to clash with the start of restoration work on the Mill on the Foreshore which scuppered Neil's original idea of starting under the Humber Bridge and utilising Pete's (Harris) new map extension which included the foreshore by the bridge.... maybe next time?!

Courses seemed to be very well recieved with several comments to the effect "I'm pleased I made the effort", thanks to all who came and competed. Much like Ken, if Neil is planning, you know there aren't going to be any complications, and such was the case.

As ever, plenty of HALO helpers, special thanks to Chris S, who control hung the Country Park controls, and to Pat for the very well recieved cake contribution.

On behalf of Charlotte I'd like to say a big "Thank You" to everyone who supported her Cake (and Sausage Roll) Stall. We Sold Out and Charlotte raised £140 towards her costs for the World Cup Final in China next weekend. MANY THANKS.

Brian Ward, Event Controller.