Big thanks to Mike for his role in our event. Everyone attending enjoyed the challenges presented.

We were thin on the ground but managed to interest 3 new comers. Mary C contacted Beverley running club from where came Santiago and Fenneke, and Ingrid told Oliver about the event at her Saturday morning conference. All through personal contact - who would have known.

Well done the podium places Pete Harris (43.36) cutting it fine but going for a full card, Pete Shew (2nd) in good fettle, and Amanda (3rd) but 1st Lady in.

Kerry, landlady of the 'Cross Keys', was so welcoming we should go back and enjoy her hospitality again.

Thanks to the clearer-uppers Ken, Pete, Isoldt and Mike. Pete S for results.

Brian, organiser, incognito.

Wednesday starting at 6pm from 'The Lion and Key' meals 'til 8pm. Free Car Park just East of the River Hull - use the infamous (Rotating) Scale Lane Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists only.