Current Masters Poacher Champion, Neil Harvatt, planned some taxing courses made even more challenging with the surreptitious use of half sized control posts to ensure the controls were ground hugging in places. What next, half size control kites?

With some Dick Dastardly control placement, a knoll in a thicket (No.71), caused the Muttley’s amongst us some difficulties and was the subject of much discussion by the rest of the catch the pigeon crowd. For the record, the control was in the correct place and on the correct feature made more difficult to see due to the virulent vegetation growth.

Defending long course and overall champion, Liam Harrington of LOG, looks set to retain his title for the second year running. Paul Murgatroyd can only equal Liam if he wins the remaining events. The Masters is a battle between Neil and Dean as per the last few years. The Veterans remains wide open as a number of contenders still look capable of getting the title. Helena Crutchley is set to retain her Woman’s trophy title as she remains unchallenged.

The elder juniors are squaring up for a fight to the last as weekly honours seem to be evenly split between Sam, Lewis and Jay if we take out England International Zac. It is good to see so many of them in the top ten on the long.
Defending Short course champion, Jake Field looks like winning for the second year taking over the mantle from his elder brother. The Field family will take at least one trophy home, as Yasmin and Joe are fighting for the Junior Champions trophy. More cleaning for me!

Heather Tuck is in a strong position to take the Ladies Trophy and is improving week by week.

Marsaili Jolly could be the overall winner of the yellow course followed by sisters Elspeth and Flora although Dom Simmonds still has a chance of gaining the title.

As it is the best 8 out of 11 events, next week gives the first opportunity for weaker results to be dropped.

Rosie Field