Pete Harris gave everyone something to occupy their brain cells last night at Swallow Vale Wood. All controls on all courses were on rootstocks – this is definitely a record. Controls on the ‘Yellow’ were carefully selected to be easily visible from the paths and tracks. The ‘Long’ gave some classic routes choices, ‘diagonally down’ the hill from 13; 3 routes to ‘number 8’; lots of turning and a control picking last three when we were at our least cognitive, PHEW! Well done Pete!

So how did ‘we’ fair?

Dom ran away with ‘Yellow’ claiming his last 50 points to bring his grand total to 400. Marshaili close behind, maintained her consistency totalling 389 overall.

Jake chose to run ‘Long’ leaving a space for David Jolly to pinch 1st place in 24:18 ahead of Yasmin who is returning to form after convalescing an appendectomy. Rosanne kept her form to become ‘Ladies Champion’ reclaiming the trophy from her daughter. Joe made good collecting 42 points in 9th place to become Junior Champion having made massive leaps in his ability to navigate over the period of the this 2011 series. Jake took overall ‘Short Course Champion Trophy’ having clinched the right to the ‘Pot’ after 9 races. So, a ‘white-wash’ by half of the Field family, on this occasion. Well done all 3!

This race brought slightly different fortunes for the Fields with Dean missing out on the ‘Masters Trophy’ by just 1 point to Neil Harvatt – HALO’s top coach. Apparently, a control circle obscuring a horse jump symbol on the map was the culprit causing a 43 second error that cost him the trophy. This was a fine and exciting competition for us all to observe. Well done the ‘vets’. Mike Smith was surprised to find he had the chance of securing the ‘cup’ again in the ‘Super-Vets’ category. He was followed closely by Paddy, Rod and Brian in the league table. In fact if Mike, Paddy and Rod had all mis-punched and I had won the race getting 50 points I would have been victorious – so I am told. Pete Kullich, having raced 6 events only was well ahead of the field to take the ‘Ultra-Vets’ Trophy. This was an exceptional performance from Pete who, if he had managed 8 races, would have outrun his younger competitors in the ‘Super-Vets’. Helena Crutchley who was unable to attend the final had already secured the ‘Women’s Champion’ title a fair few points ahead of her nearest rival Harriet Gillman. The Lincolnshire Poacher ‘Champion’ Trophy was well earned by LOG prodigy Liam Harrington. Liam has consistently put in very clean fast wins verified by ‘Splitalyser’ on Route Gadget. However, he was deprived of a clean sweep (i.e. 400 points) by his coach and friend Paul Murgatroyd (physiology guru) from Lincoln University, who pipped him to the post by 12 seconds on this final race of the ‘Poacher’ series.

Calling all HALO runners – the ‘Loggers’ will be back next week at Cleethorpes Country Park attempting to reclaim The Lincolnshire Challenge Shield. Don’t miss this exciting race ‘Prologue and Chase’ including ‘MAZE, navigation. Info on this web-site.

Thanks to all planners and kite collectors - a great team effort as always.

Special thanks to Pete Shew, Neil Harvatt & Brian Slater (joint co-ordinators)

Pete Harris, next year's co-ordinator, is thinking that the Poacher will probably resume on Wednesday 11th April 2012, see you then if not before!

Incidentally, Route Gadget is proving hard to install, please be patient - rectified quickly by Pete Shew - Thank you Pete!.

Brian Slater