Many thanks to Isoldt for planning this event in her diligent manner - hope the marking of the majority of the lamp posts with white stars assisted.
The use of Streetview was problematic as the images were not accurate and many areas were not filmed - however today the problems now seem to be fixed - typical. The area although relatively compact proved to be fast and frantic with many runners able to achieve around the 20 out of 30 mark - and not many overtimes. One however was a few seconds over and still was able to record another victory - the synchronisation of the Start and Finish boxes was checked just in case. Well done Pete (again). The 2 Pete's ran similar routes - so was this the optimum route for the first 21 controls:
Other good runs by Jackie, the 2 Brian's and Alex not forgetting Mike who 'visited' all controls with one error and only just out of time.

Next week we visit a new part of Beverley - the East, incorporating Flemingate and the Station areas with controls either side of the railway line. Check the timetables for an optimum start time. Very early starters may not require headtorches so enter on HERO asap.
Meet on Blucher Lane.