Those who had never competed at Swallow Vale before all seemed to produce good performances mastering the climb accordingly. Those who have competed here previously know the inevitability of continually conquering slope after slope with intermittent sprinting. Harriet certainly tested both the old and the new and as a first time planner produced excellent courses. Many thanks go to Harriet for volunteering to take on the role. Hope it is the first of many.
Liam and fellow LOGgies were able to maintain their concentration despite the play off match at Sincil Bank and took the top places. Ian one of the SV debutants certainly did well as he was one of the first off and did not have the benefit of the elephant tracks.
On the Medium HALOites faired better with Flora excelling again and Dave after last week’s good run continued his good form on familiar terrain.
One gripe about kite collecting as it was once again left to Harriet, Karen and Isoldt to do the honours. So helping out at the last 4 Poachers and the 3 LULs will be necessary and appreciated especially as 6 of these will involve undoing gripples.

Next week we are sprinting around the Belvoir Estate in Cleethorpes. Summer attire allowed so don those multi coloured vests and shorts but hankies on heads are definitely a no no.
Brian has at short notice produced 3 courses all less than 2km on maps with a scale of 1:2500 so it will be fast and furious.
Note, maps will not be recycled (as a COVID precaution) so when running more than 1 Course it may be wise to bring a suitable bag to keep the used maps in, with drinks etc. Please do not show to others.