Thanks to Pete for formulating the results speedily.
Thanks to Mary, Jackie, Alex, Kate, Jason and Isoldt for kite collecting.
Thanks to Brian for producing some good Sprint courses in good Sprint terrain and ensuring that the event ran smoothly.
This format proved popular and proved to be just as competitive.
On the Long it was no surprise that only seconds separated Liam and Paul and the top 3, including Philip all won one of the courses. The format was certainly to Hannah’s liking and the Ladies title, as anticipated will be very close with Helena, Kate B and Elspethalso in the running.
On the Medium Flora remains unbeaten and her times for B & C were faster than more than half of the Long runners. Imogen, competing for the first time on urban terrain, also performed well once she got used to the scale of the map and the different symbols.
On the Short, Dorothy took her second victory using some of that former HALO Urban Champion experience.
Next week we return to the usual format at Normanby South where we will be using the newly surfaced car park. Shorts definitely not recommended and insect repellent may be useful if temperatures continue to rise. Hope the nettles haven’t taken over since last visit, but courses planned to avoid the worst. New scale of 1:4000 being used and double sided maps for Long Course.