For those unaware, Karen the planner, a few weeks after volunteering to plan this event had a horrific cycle accident in Northumbria and is still spending most of her time laying on the sofa. So it was a real case of armchair planning taken to the extreme. So many thanks to her for continuing her debut planning duties and thanks to Isoldt for doing the hard yards doing the mentoring and checking sites and putting out controls etc. etc.
Thanks to Pete for sorting out the times after we had an issue possibly caused by the Start box being located too close to the SIAC Test box??
Rasen does give competitors plenty of different types of areas to visit, so Karen’s local knowledge was certainly useful by producing classic urban courses. We were able to run at 1:4000 for a change as the Central area was focus plus the newly built Leisure Centre.
It also caused problems for the LOG elite who inadvertently mispunched giving Craig the opportunity to win the Long closely followed by Mike B. The Medium gave Brian W the opportunity to try to return to fitness after a month’s rest to take the honours. Good runs from Corrine and Amanda flying the HALO flag.
Thanks to kite collectors Alex and Kate, Mike, Paul and Craig.

Note, next week we return to Logland, but be aware of start times as they may change as there may be a fixture clash with another Event being held at Wembley. Plus don’t forget the entry deadline of Sunday