We had 36 entries for this final of the East Yorkshire Sprint Race Series. Disappointing in terms of University personnel/students turn out but of course term ended a while ago. For those participating, it was a fine and exciting occasion.

Planner Ken Huston had provided 2 courses of excellent standard. Each sprint was 2km and full of surprises for those who did not keep their eye on the best routes. Have a look at Route Gadget to see some of the blatant duff routes especially mine.

There were several areas of minor building works which presented headaches for Ken and stand-in controller Helen Smith. They superbly altered course slightly to accommodate the obstacles and marked up NO-GO areas using purple/red lines.

Ellen Watkins (2nd event ever) put in a creditable 22:55 & 21:53 to win the women's open; Jean Lochhead as well as leading Women's Vets burning off some of the experienced men in the process. Yasmin & Jake Field retaining their leads in the series put in very competitive times in a complex area with underpasses; dead ends; narrow gunnels/snickets; small wooded areas and open gardens. Control sites were neatly tuck into corners and crevices which meant that runners needed to use the descriptions as well as paying close attention to the positioning of the circles.

Dom Simmonds was victorious on the Yellow course getting a clear win over Emma and Luke who were 6 and 7 minutes behind.

Vet man Pete Harris appears to be keeping his place at the top on this occasion mainly because of his youth and (attendance at HALO Grimsby Coaching). However, one slip and he would have found experienced mapper/planner, Mike Smith snapping at his heels. The 2 were separated by 16 seconds and 12 seconds respectively for prologue and chase. Brian Ward steamed away with the men's open race keeping chaser Craig Thomson at bay. From the information on Splialyzer it looks like Craig managed to keep just ahead of Brian on the 'Chase' who caught up 7 seconds clinching a spectacularly close win.

A presentation followed the race where series winners were handed their shields by HALO Chairman John Butler.

Thanks to all who helped on the day and look forward to seeing you all next year. A big thank you to Ken and Neil who masterminded the series and have done all the grafting to give us some very very good competitions.

Next year - another series with a changed format yet to be conceived.

WATCH THIS SPACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Series winners to be published ASAP.

Brian Slater